The Role of the Governing Body

The governing body is responsible for the conduct of the school, and promotes high standards of educational achievement at the school. It is the school’s accountable body. School Governors work together with the Head Teacher in agreeing the aims and conduct of the school, ensuring that the pupils have a full entitlement to the agreed curriculum and managing the school within its allocated budget.

All School Governors are volunteers who give freely of their time and knowledge for the benefit of the school.

Dinting C of E Primary (VA) Governing body consists of  2 Parent Governors, elected by parents with children at this school, 1 Authority Governor, appointed by the Local Education Authority, 8 Foundation Governors,  appointed by the Diocese of Derby ( one is Ex Officio), and 2 Staff Governors, elected by staff at this school (Headteacher is Ex Officio) and I Co-opted Governor, elected by the Governing Board

Governors are appointed to:

In order to do this a governing body:

The governors of the school meet regularly throughout the school year in order to facilitate their responsibilities, share information and make key decisions.