Our School Vision

The school’s vision statement is taken from Matthew 22 verse 39,

“Love Your Neighbour as yourself.”

We try to live our vision in five areas:

Love of learning

Love of community 

Love of people 

Love of God 

Love of life itself 


This is our school.

Let peace dwell here. Let the rooms be full of contentment.

Let love abide here. Love of one another,

love of people, love of God and love of life itself.

Let us remember that as many hands build a house,

so many hearts make a school. Amen.


“As a church school we endeavour to maintain Christian values of love and mutual respect so our relationship with the Church family at Holy Trinity and the wider Christian community is very important to us. Their interest and involvement in school life is appreciated and the pupils enjoy their visits to church."

Mrs S Davies - Vice Chair of Governing Body.

At Dinting Church of England Voluntary Aided School, the links with Holy Trinity Church are very important to us and reflect our Christian Ethos as a Church School. The Church is represented on the Governing Body by Foundation Governors who take an active interest in school life, offering their talents and gifts in a variety of ways. A number of Foundation Governors regularly lead Collective Worship in the school and become involved in school life, becoming known as friendly faces to both staff and pupils. Our pupils feel at home in the neighbouring church, having become involved in a variety of activities such as the Church’s flower festival, and activities such as ‘Experience Easter’.

The end of each term is marked by an activity in Church, whether it be a Carol Service, an Easter Service, or a Leavers’ Service. The Church is also an ideal resource for the school’s programme of Religious Education, a feature which is a really strong point in Dinting School. Religious Education in the school has been recognised as ‘Outstanding’ with the school having been awarded the Gold Religious Education Quality Mark. As mentioned elsewhere, Christian Values of ‘forgiveness, fairness, respect and tolerance of others, integrity, compassion, honesty and self-worth’ are clearly evident in the school. We can only hope that these are enhanced by our strong church and community

Click here to find out about Derby Diocese Board of Education

Click here to find out about our church Holy Trinity Dinting Vale.

Click here to find out about the Methodist Church in Glossop.

One way we try to love our community and people through our support of these charities. Sometimes we support them financially and sometimes by being involved with their work. In addition to our annual of support of BBC Children in Need, Comic Relief and The Royal British Legion, we also support:

Neema School

Winnie Mabasso

Glossopdale Foodbank

Willow Wood Hospice Light a Life

Rotary Club of Glossop

AgeUK Lunch Club

The Bishop of Derby’s Harvest Appeal

Additionally, individual children and their families support organisations and charities. The children share this during Friday’s Celebration Worship.

Some of the most recent examples are:  Little Princesses, Christian Aid, 3Generate and Cancer Research UK

SMSC policy 2022-2024

RE Policy 2022-2024

Collective Worship Policy 2022-2024

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy 2020-2023